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Analog Science Fiction Magazine Review - May/June 2022

Published 8 January 2024

nalog Science Fiction Magazine Review - May/June 2022

Join me on a thrilling journey through the pages of a rare find - a science fiction magazine that's a retrogamer's dream! Packed with diverse stories and gripping editorials, it's a treasure trove of sci-fi wonders. From the captivating 'Planetfall' to the intense 'Beachhead', every tale is an adventure. It's more than just a read; it's an odyssey of imagination, perfect for anyone who loves a good story and the nostalgia of retrogaming!


Oh man, you won't believe the gem I found at the local newsagent - a rarity these days, I tell you! It's this science fiction magazine that's just perfect for my retrogaming and sci-fi loving soul. The size is spot-on; fits right into my bag, making it my go-to companion for trips. I've been devouring its pages for about 16 months, and let me tell you, it's been a ride worth every penny.

Each story in this magazine is a rollercoaster of imagination. Sure, not every tale aligns with my personal taste - they span so many subgenres, after all. But that's the beauty of it! The variety keeps every page turn exciting. And the editorial? Absolutely intriguing. It delves into what makes a science fiction game tick and how a 'Sci-Fi Game of the Year' stands out from the typical 'Game of the Year' stuff.

Now, let's talk highlights - "Planetfall" by A.C. Koch totally blew my mind! Such an incredible story. And "Beachhead" by Timons Esaias? Wow, just wow. It's this amazing military narrative through the eyes of a clone soldier storming a beach. Every word had me hooked. This magazine isn't just a read; it's an experience, a journey through galaxies of words and worlds of imagination. Just epic!

Magazine Description

The May/June 2022 issue of "Analog Science Fiction Magazine" is a treasure trove of captivating stories, ranging from novellas to short narratives. Kicking off with "Burning the Ladder," a 38-page tale by Adam-Troy Castro, the magazine takes readers through a diverse spectrum of imaginative worlds.

Eric Del Carlo's "Boy in the Key of Forsaken" spans 10 pages, followed by A. C. Koch's 14-page journey in "Planetfall." C. H. Hung's "Faster than Falling Starlight" and Jessica Reisman's "Aconie's Bees" offer quick, impactful reads of 10 and 4 pages respectively.

The magazine also includes shorter, yet profound, pieces like "Our Road to Utopia" by Adele Gardner and "Firebreak" by Alice Towey, each occupying 2 pages. Jerry Oltion's "Now We're Talking" extends over 5 pages, leading to Timons Esaias' 10-page "Beachhead."

Sean McMullen's 12-page "Beacon" and Wendy Nikel's 8-page "Bounty 1486" continue the issue's trend of diverse storytelling. Filip Wiltgren's "One Way" and Brent Baldwin's "Retirement Options For Too Successful Space Entrepreneurs" provide 7 and 2 pages of engaging content, respectively.

The issue further includes "Shopping Expedition" by Brendan DuBois (5 pages), "A Hundred Mouths and a Voice of Iron" by John Markley (9 pages), and "Proof of Concept" by Auston Habershaw (12 pages). It concludes with Bud Sparhawk's 18-page narrative, "Simple Pleasures," wrapping up an edition rich with science fiction's best.

Key Magazine Contents

  1. Burning the Ladder, 38 pages, Adam-Troy Castro
  2. Boy in the Key of Forsaken, 10 pages, Eric Del Carlo
  3. Planetfall, 14 pages, A. C. Koch
  4. Faster than Falling Starlight, 10 pages, C. H. Hung
  5. Aconie's Bees, 4 pages, Jessica Reisman
  6. Our Road to Utopia, 2 pages, Adele Gardner
  7. Firebreak, 2 pages, Alice Towey
  8. Now We're Talking, 5 pages, Jerry Oltion
  9. Beachhead, 10 pages, Timons Esaias
  10. Beacon, 12 pages, Sean McMullen
  11. Bounty 1486, 8 pages, Wendy Nikel
  12. One Way, 7 pages, Filip Wiltgren
  13. Retirement Options For Too Successful Space Entrepreneurs, 2 pages, Brent Baldwin
  14. Shopping Expedition, 5 pages, Brendan DuBois
  15. A Hundred Mouths and a Voice of Iron, 9 pages, John Markley
  16. Proof of Concept, 12 pages, Auston Habershaw
  17. Simple Pleasures, 18 pages, Bud Sparhawk

Analog Science Fiction Magazine - May/June 2022 cover


Science Fiction game awards, let's chat about game awards and their, let's say, 'unique' relevance to us sci-fi and retrogaming buffs! Honestly, I've always felt that these glitzy award ceremonies kind of orbit in their own distant galaxy, especially when it comes to the tastes of the science fiction community. I mean, sure, it's cool to see games getting recognition, but often, the ones that truly capture the essence of sci-fi—the imagination, the otherworldly adventures—they don't always get the spotlight they deserve. We're talking about games that teleport us to alternate realities, that challenge our perceptions, and that's a whole different ball game than your typical Game of the Year material. For us, it's not about the trophies or accolades; it's about the journey to uncharted territories, the thrill of discovery, and the love of a good, mind-bending sci-fi narrative. That's where the real magic is, and no award can really capture that essence!

The Alternate View, written by Richard A. Lovett discusses Gamma Ray Bursts, Magnetars and your Gold Ring. He dives into Gamma Ray Bursts and Magnetars, and get this, how they're connected to the gold ring you might be wearing. It's like something straight out of a sci-fi game! These cosmic phenomena, with their immense energy, are not just distant, abstract concepts. They're actual forge masters of elements like gold. Imagine playing a game where you're navigating through space, dodging gamma ray bursts, and collecting gold created by magnetars. It's mind-blowing to think that these celestial events have such a tangible impact right here on Earth. It's like the universe is playing its own epic strategy game, and we're just starting to understand the rules. I discuss my own ongoing thoughts about kilovoae in, Kilonova Wonders: When Stars Collide in Light!

Angry Alien™ Thinks

Angry Alien speaks… Analog's May/June 2022 edition is a cosmic buffet with 20 dishes, but not every course is Michelin-star material. It's like a space voyage where some planets are lush with imaginative flora, while others are barren rocks. The standout, 'Burning the Ladder,' weaves ethical conundrums with the finesse of a galactic diplomat, while 'Boy in the Key of Forsaken' is as heartwarming as a sun in a cold universe. But then, there's the occasional 'Beachhead,' a nebula of vivid battle scenes lacking the gravity of context. This issue is like a star cluster - bright spots of genius interspersed with dimmer lights. It's a journey through the literary cosmos that's mostly a delight, though sometimes you wish for a faster-than-light drive to skip the less luminous parts.

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